Tips for yoga teaching running retreats by Bec Cook – Yoga teacher, naturopath and retreat facilitator.
Tips for yoga teaching running retreats by Bec Cook – Yoga teacher, naturopath and retreat facilitator.
• Create a space where people feel comfortable and safe
• Create a space where people can connect with nature
• Have things on offer, but allow people to make their own choices
• Ensure students are taking time away from distractions to allow them to really engage in the reflective and self-inquiring process
• Allow students time for personal space and time alone
• Use the retreat as a way to teach students how they can bring their yoga/practice/healthy lifestyle habits developed on retreat into their daily life
• Keep it simple, fluid and transparent.
• Start small and allow it to expand and grow naturally
• As a teacher be aware that you will need to be flexible and tailor it to the group as well as the outcome
• Enjoy what you are offering
• If you are collaborating, work to each others strengths, experiences and skillsets
• Be transparent and direct in your communication when you are collaborating with other teachers
• Learn to delegate and be ok with not doing everything you want
• Don’t overcommit to roles you will be taking on during the retreat
• Keep an eye on your stress levels (and those of your colleagues)
• Keep it intimate and affordable when it comes to accommodation
• A nice house is good, and you can hire a cook • Pull all of the details together to work out the profit margin – what you can afford to pay people, what to charge
• Value your time and energy – don’t give it away too easily and set boundaries
• If you have a dream of a retreat you want to create – make a vision board – put it on paper and journal about it – what do you want it to look like? What can you offer?
• Balance the serious side with some fun, enjoy what you are doing
• If you see a gap in your skillset compared to what you want to offer, find a yoga teacher who could take this on for you
Bec is a graduate of Ray of lights two-year Yoga teacher training. She teaches yoga and offers naturopathic consultations in her clinic in Austinmere. Bec runs retreats at her favourite places, the ocean and the snow.